Saturday, August 22, 2009

Freedom In Christ

Okay ladies, here is your first assignment (I must be a teacher).

Pick someone.
Have some coffee.
Talk about what the term "Freedom In Christ" means to you.
Then, get on the blog and tell me your thoughts.

I am especially curious about your interpretation of Galatians Chapter 5.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Coffee Chat Craze-What is it?

I've recently discovered a love for coffee, a love for sisterhood and a growing love for God.

I want a very simple and manageable way to take what God has given to me, His unconditional love and attention, Insights into his Word, Insights as to what it means to be a woman of God and my questions about God and life and Share a cup of coffee with you. Yes, You, singular.

The best way that I've seen to connect with someone on a more personal level is to meet, have coffee, sit back and chat. Sometimes I think women, or this woman, just likes to share ideas and chat with a friend. (Disclaimer: This is NOT to say that I Don't enjoy coffee with my husband because I DO! I share all of my thoughts and ideas with him. I don't want this to turn into a bashing session for any of you. This is to grow ourselves as the women that God made us to be.)

In starting this blog I'd like to start something that will hopefully turn into a craze. A craze that encourages you to pick a friend and have them over for coffee where you can learn from each other, love each other, encourage each other, care for each other, build each other up and pray for each other.

I'd like to send things out that maybe I'm questioning, have you ponder it, have you chat about it over coffee with a friend, have you chat with me about it over coffee, and then come back after we've had our coffee chats and comment about it. I want this to be a voice of women just trying to learn more about God's love and the freedom that brings us. I do believe that everyone has something to offer. Our perceptions are different and we were all created by God and I believe he speaks to all of us so why not share what we feel like God is doing in our lives with each other. You might actually gain something more than a caffein high and a full bladder!

I must say that if it wasn't for some friends of mine that have been willing to have coffee with me this idea would have never came to pass.

Michelle a.k.a. "Mitch", you are an awesome friend. You make some serious, wake me up, coffee! I mean "thick!" What I see is a very dedicated woman who loves God, her husband and her children, all 4! A woman who, despite suffering, continues to trust God. A woman that will listen to me intently without interrupting, a woman who cares enough to give me a hug when I need it. I'm so very thankful for the coffee chat's we've had and look forward to many more to come. Thanks so much for your friendship and understanding.

Dara, I've probably had more coffee with you that anybody else! That's just what we do when we're together! I could write all day about the things that we've been able to do together or the things that we've chatted about or about our kids but I'm not going to do that right now, we'll have coffee later and chat about it though. You are a great friend. You have shown me what it means to be a selfless mom. I see that you love taking care of your family. You are very generous with your home showing me your hospitality many, many times and I'm very thankful. You are a woman that is beautiful and you have a childlike faith that I admire. Thank you for being my friend even though I know I've been a bit pushy.

Paige, thanks for being an encourager, a friend and someone that I love to chat with because it's fun and powerful!

Chris, I feel like I might just be at the beginning of a hunt to find out who Chris Peacock really is on the inside and I'm excited to be a part of your life during this transformation period for you. I'm starting to see just how beautiful you really are!

Pam, you have got to start drinking coffee! I guess tea will suffice! Thank you for showing me yet another area in my life that needs working on. I have enjoyed our times together this summer and appreciate your love for God and your desire to always grow. I admire that you are passing that on to your children and you are an inspiration to me.

Kay, when I think of thing pops into mind.....Roy! You are an amazing woman to love that man! Not that he's difficult or anything like that...just that he's Roy! LOL. I appreciate your hospitality. I appreciate your devotion to your family. I see a woman that is very dependable and persistent in what she is trying to accomplish in life. You take what life has handed you and make it very practical for you and your family.

Sharon, I see that you are a very devoted woman of God, I see that you love your family, I see a woman who wants to get it right, I see a woman who cares for others more than herself. I thank you for sending me an email that said, "coffee chat" and gave me this idea to start the Coffee Chat Craze....

Ladies, please let me know if you'd like to be an author with me on this blog, I want you to share your ideas. Please comment!

Keep me posted on your coffee chats and feel free to share some insights....looking forward to coffee with you soon.
